
flower power

4 kommentarer:

  1. why so much hate :O
    hate is a wait of time!


  2. lol, i was going to a loooong text where i had corrected all your mistakes, but it was to long to be posted xD so i just added my favorite parts.
    And that was fine.. She said..
    Offcourse (first of all, you have to separate the words, and second, off course, means you are lost, or going in the wrong direction, so “of course” it is) when i got the shoes back, they had dents all over, and ugly black marks all over the silver (the silver what? What silver things? Silver lining? Silver spoon? Silver Ore?) .. I was offcourse(the of course is both wrong and has been placed in the wrong part of the sentence, it should be “of course I was angry..”) angry and demanded her to hold(“keep her promise” not hold, mixing in Norwegian again) her promise.. She was suddently (suddenly) not that cooperative any longer, and (she) was positive that it was the stores fault, and that expensive shoes coudn't (couldn’t) be ruined that easy (easaly)..

    We had a big discussion, with me trying to explain to this stupid girl that it has nothing to do with the store if someone ruined something while drinking, and finally she said she could give me my money back.. IN JULY (?!)
    I am not a friend of her and i know i woun't (won’t) get my money back then, but not being a Dramaqueen i haven't talked to her about it later and waited for her to excuce (excuse, so you waited for her to go to the Bathroom? Or you just tried to say “waited for her to give me an apology, and return my money to me”) herself and give me my money..

    But the funny thing was that yesterday she snapped at her best friend for owing her money for a pack of sigarettes..(cigarettes)This is like a crumble on the bread that she owns me,(I liked this sentence, so first of all, + for creativity, that is one expression I’ve never heard before, second she “owns” haha, so shes your owner? Third its crumb you see its to crumble and a crumb) me and i could't belive (couldn’t believe) my own ears.
    She was seriously yelling to her, infront (split up the words, in front) of the whole canteen (I’d prefer cafeteria, not that it has to be one, but canteen is such a strange word, still it was correctly written) for nothing, with no tought (thought) of what she did to me..

    I am amazed over how ugly, and retarted (oh boy are you retarded, when you manage to spell retarded wrong) you can get at once being sutch (Such) a bitch.. To bad for her, loosing all her friends slowly but surely just by not thinking normal (Normaly, so wait the Hipster says she should be more normal, something just doesn’t fit here...)… I can't really describle (closer to scrabble the describe) how angry i get over (using Norweagian in your sentence building again, more like “I can’t describe how angry her bad manners make me” her manners when i constantly hear about her giving people things and then demanding it back…

    She actually gave my friend a FUCKING GIFT once and two weeks later she wantet (wanted) her money back.. Hope you rot in hell you stupid bitch..

    In conclusion, why the fuck do you write in English when everything about your English is Norwegian?

    and yeah
    kind of overdoing the hate part, it seems Dramaqueen-ish
    atleast looking form an outside perspektive....

  3. trying to correct you and i fail at the first sentence xD lol
    i was going to *post a loooong,.... etc

  4. Hei, er en fast leser av bloggen din :) Ville bare si ifra om at jeg er fast kunde hos ACNE og har hatt dette problemet selv mange ganger :( Jeg sendte mine sko inn til skomaker og de fikset skoene og lakkerte dem for å få vekk riper og annet som så stygt ut. Dette betalte jeg kun 380,- for. Få heller hun jenta dom ødela dem til å betale skomakerregningen din, da får du ordnet dem og de vil se like fine ut :) nå vet ikke jeg helt hvilke sko du har, men det går antageligvis helt greit, og da slipper jo de dyre ACNE skoene å gå i søppla.
