

Yesterday was just perfect! Me and Camilla startet the evening off with an amazing stew with coconutmilk and currypaste, with some whine and puzzle on the side. Later on we smoked waterpipe with watermelon taste, and had alot of interesting conversations regarding everything from school to underwear. haha

At around elleven i left sweet Camilla, and went to Joe's bar, to meet up with Nelia. After a coupple of shots and drinks we shootet off from there going to a event called Amenta.
A dj called rødhåd was in charge of the runes this evening, and i must say the music was pretty chill. Apperantly he is one of Berlin's best undergrownd Dj's, whitch i don't question at all, when i think about the amazing energy and love from yesterdays crowd.

(cause we all know a Norwegian crowd is really hard to please!)

Skating and chilling at GSF

Puzzle at Camilla's place

"If you're destiny dosen't make you laugh, you havent understand the point"

Rødhåd at Amenta Allnighter

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